The Auburn Planning Board reviewed a proposal to build a car wash at the former Dennys restaurant on Grant Avenue on Tuesday but the site plan will need touching up before getting the green. Click Collect. Wash Water Recycling Systems Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Water Treatment Plant Locker Storage Visit Auto Hobby or call 4057343484 for more information. . Ancillary Services and Products. 2000 installations across the world. Car batteries for sale. Rapidly washes away tough dirt leaving a luxurious shine. Met-Chem understands the need to have an efficient and cost-effective method to treat wastewaterCar Wash Wastewater needs to be specially treated due to a variety of waste streams including. Face coverings should be worn on site when outside your vehicle. Drainage directed from gutters downspouts or other private systems to neighboring properties is a civil matter between the property owners. Arti...